[See Scarlet Sew] Philippines


Philippines – Hetalia

So, in wake of Yolanda / Haiyan, I decided to destress by putting effort into a project I’ve been meaning to do since last May. My friend, Ryan, did his own spin on Hetalia Philippines at AX a few years ago. After following some stuff from Cosplay Mania and The Cosplay Show, I kinda want to do something related to my ethnicity. I joke about being the one Filipino in Boston and I do like the Hetalia community out here too.

Anyway, this design is based on a dress uniform from 1901. For a while, I’ve been debating what Hetalia Philippines should look like. I knew I wanted to do a military uniform, so I went with this dress uniform. this Philippines OC will not be in line with what’s fanon (I humbly disagree with a lot of how Philippines OC is portrayed), but just my own interpretation.

I’m using fabric that was meant for Utena. It’s been sitting in my bins for a while. I just had enough to make the dress jacket. It’s been a slow work in progress – I usually can pump these out in a day’s time, but seeing the news, I had to do something creative to keep my mind off of it.


The pattern is from a civil war uniform pattern – it will be modified to look more 20th century like. There will be a red sash and belt. I’m trying to figure out where to get military pins. I may have to embroider something on the sash…but we’ll see what I can find. There will be gold epaulets.

I’m really excited to get this done. I’m also debating if I should sell prints of myself and donate the proceeds to Yolanda and Haiyan relief, but I have a similar project that I’ll talk about later.

If you want some resources on how to help victims of Yolanda, here’s a link:


To answer the question if the PI is a boy or girl? I prefer Girl Boy Bakla Tomboy. Eat that, Tumblr!

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