Moon Prism Poptarts

 Moon Prism Poptarts

Sailor Moon has been a huge part of Generation X otaku. In the 90s, anime was very few and far between in the United States. You had to know someone who knew someone to get fansubs and licensed anime had yet to appear to a wider audience. In the mid-90s, Sailor Moon came to American shores introducing many people to anime. Girl power, fantasy, comedy, and romance brought in a generation of moonies that forever changed the landscape of anime fandom in North America.

The English adaptation was hit or miss with many fangroups. Others wanted more dubbed episodes, while a contingency wanted a word-per-word faithful translation. This panel explores Sailor Moon’s early days in the US. Other topics include:

– “Fight Evil by Moonlight…” sing-a-long

– Clips from the dub

– Censorship and changes for North American audiences

– Issues regarding sexuality in the North American dub

– Transfer to Toonami

– DiC’s pitch to the networks

– Toon Makers’ infamous trailer / music video

– SOS: Save Our Sailors’ campaign to bring back Sailor Moon…by buying poptarts?

This panel is meant to educate about the early days of anime domestication in the US with focus on Sailor Moon. If you are a moonie that set your VCR timer before going to school, you would enjoy this panel!

Convention Appearances: Animation on Display 2011, Anime Conji 2011, Fanime Con 2011, Fanime Con 2012, Anime Expo 2011, Pacific Media Expo 2011, Anime Los Angeles 2012, Another Anime Convention 2012, Anime Boston 2013, Katsucon 2014, Anime Boston 2014

Presentation Requirements: Laptop connectors, microphone, sound, projector, screen

Estimated Audience: Medium to Large

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