Convention: ConnectiCon 2014
Location: Hartford, CT
Editor’s Notes: I was on a Lady Gaga kick during the con. I just attended the ArtRave tour. Even the con report is themed around the ArtRave tour and ArtPop album. The ArtPop album took a while to grow on me. It fits with ConnectiCon because the con celebrates all fandoms – not just one media in particular. The title song, “ArtPop,” Gaga sings that artpop could mean anything. I feel this way about fandom and going to cons – it’s what you make of it! I picked “Fashion!” off the album for the convention / cosplay music video to showcase cosplayers. The lyrics and title alone make it an obvious choice. Likewise, I stick with B-sides and songs that aren’t as popular on the Top 40 for my cmv pics. I think this song is fitting for CTCon’s chill and relaxed atmosphere where costumes are a spectacle.