[Comic Con Revolution ’18] Your Horoscope for Today

Children’s Cosplay: From Basic to Award Winning

This was a different kind of cosplay panel as it discussed the unique issues associated with children’s cosplay.  From size considerations to issues entering masquerade the panelists covered nearly every issue a person might face cosplaying with their child.  The panel was run by a family that had two child cosplayers and the kids joined in to give their thoughts about cosplay and the issues they have faced.  This was a surprisingly informative panel for those with kids or those aunts and uncles out there who might have a nephew or niece that may want to join the ranks of cosplayers.

Podcast Advocates: The Podcast Gathering

This was a strange panel.  It was hosted by various representatives of different podcasts, most of whom were focused on the nerd side of news.  They discussed their experiences over the years and rambled about their current studios or equipment.  The panel got a little derailed when a cast member of Comic Book Men came to the panel and all the hosts began brownnosing.  Eventually the panel moved toward promoting your show to the audience, several people stood up to do so, but a segment of the audience also stepped out at that time.  This was a good idea for a panel, but poorly managed and not very informative outside of poorly pitched commercials for unknown podcasts.

East and West Media Connection

This was our third panel of the convention and featured the whole team talking about how Japan and the US have influenced media over the years.  Series like Power Rangers and Masked Rider were covered as well as the Japanese Spider-Man series and Battle Fever J.  There was a good sized audience for the panel and everyone did enjoy themselves despite our minor technical issues with the laptop needing to update right as the panel began.  Overall, the panel ran smoothly and the updates to the panel make it more enjoyable each time we run this panel.

Star Wars Expanded Universe 101

This was our final panel for the convention and it ran the smoothest.  The panel had been updated with new content and more video game recommendations.  The panel focused on the good side of the expanded universe rather than the divisive and poorly produced aspects of the universe.  The audience really liked the panel and even talked about Star Wars with us after the panel.  It was fun to bring this panel back and it even inspired us to do more Star Wars related content in the future.

Written by Jared the Greek
Email: jaredjgriego@gmail.com
Twitter: @JaredTheGreek
Insta: @JaredTheGreek

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