San Diego Comic Con 2007 came and went. I remember my first Comic Con in 2002. I will admit, as an anime fangirl, I was lost in a sea of spandex and geeks. I was wearing Karen Kasumi, but no one knew who I was. Comic Con 2007 is more for the mainstream geek. It's not unusual not to be recognized when you're cosplaying as the B-side character in your favorite obscure manga. Mainstream titles associated with nerdom get recognized faster. While Comic Con does have an array of anime cosplayers, this con has everything.

While the crowd size is comparable to an Anime Expo on their busiest day, Comic Con attracts fans of all ages. The current summer blockbusters headline what's hot at Comic Con. For example, Huy and I were squeeing over Transformers this and that. As someone who is revisiting Transformers, it was really fun to rediscover it with other people. Say what you will about the Michael Bay film, it's giving us an excuse to look back at our childhood.

I was very happy with the amount of James Bond stuff and things at Comic Con. As someone who enjoys the James Bond franchise, I was happy to find a deck of playing cards centered around England's best secret agent. It was also nice to wear Wai Lin (Tomorrow Never Dies) in an enviroment that welcomes it. While I have worn Wai Lin at Anime Expo for a short period of time, you really feel like you're in a place where you belong. Though the outfit is generic and I did have people mistake me for Fujiko, it was fun to express my love for the James Bond series. I intend to do it again!

I did not do many panels at Comic Con. It just seemed more trouble than it was worth. We were only at Comic Con for two days. There's only so much you can do in a short period of time. For the most part, we wandered around the dealers hall. The dealers hall alone is enough take a day and a half to go through. There was so much sights and sounds - so much to take in. Comic Con certainly has grown and nothing is stopping it now.

Masquerade was really fun to watch. There were so many great acts on stage. It's very refreshing seeing different fandoms represented than just your typical anime sketches. The references to some of my favorite musicals - West Side Story and Dreamgirls - was a nice throwback in some of the masquerade acts. Of course, I loved the Jem act done by my cosplay buddies. Also, shoutouts to Rob and Pikmin Link. I had no idea what you guys were from, but Rob - you look really hot in that suit and tie.

Overall, Comic Con was worth the weekend trip. I enjoyed every second of it. Shoutouts to Tiffany for providing us a hotel room. Thanks to my roommates for keeping up the shenanigans and convention good times. I would totally do Comic Con again!

Pictures are copyright by Scarlet Rhapsody. If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. If you want me to remove something, kindly email us. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font Kinkie.