There were a few Asian Ball Joint Doll (or ABJDs, but I prefer to call them "resin kids") gatherings at Sakura Con organized by Claudine Roselle Puente (Lady Saiyan Productions). There were Friday gatherings at 12PM to 3PM and 6:30PM to 9PM. Saturday gathering times were about the same. Some Sakura Con proud doll parents carried their resin kids with them.

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The dealer's room did not have any doll related items for sale, but there was a booth promoting a convention for Japanese pop culture that had resin dolls on display.

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I went to the Friday evening meet up for a little bit. I only brought Agent Scarlet (Custom House Choa) for the beginning part of the the gathering. The gathering was held on the second floor eating area.

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I also got to meet up with my Bay Area doll friend, Claudine, during Sakura Con. Right before the doll meet up, we had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.

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I also found a few Pheonix Wright cosplayers to pose with to see if they got the connection between Legally Blonde and Pheonix Wright. Us sisters gotta stick together!

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I went to the Saturday afternoon doll meet up at noon. I brought all of my girls - Eponine (CP Nara), Cosette (MSD Mika), and Agent Scarlet (CH Choa). We had a nice turnout for a Saturday afternoon. I did not show up at the Saturday meet up later that day. However, I did find out that the cosplay masquerade was occuring at 11:30AM that morning. Unfortunately, our press team had to miss out on it. However, I did feel sorry for the cosplayers who had their call time at 7:30AM in the morning.

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Otherwise, I had a nice time at the Saturday afternoon doll gathering. I was cosplaying as Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. I had my Bruiser plush with me. One of the doll people suggested that Bruiser should pose with Cosette and Eponine.

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After the doll gathering, I checked out the tea ceremony for a little bit of rest and relaxation. I found it nice that Sakura Con included a Japanese culture track to their programming.


Pictures are copyright by Scarlet Rhapsody (formerly Traveling Valentine). If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font Wicked Queen. Many thanks to Chaz Boston Baden for the image resizing and watermarking program.