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I arrived in San Jose early Friday afternoon, where Tom got me from the airport. After running several work related errands, we finally hit the road to Sacramento. It was a dark two hour drive en route to Tara's. We would be staying at Tara's on the first night. We watched how bad Sacramento news could be before turning to G4 for Wired for Sex. Great, just what we need: horny fanboys. Yet it was entertaining late night material. IFC was showing an episode of Gunslinger Girl. Let's just say it turned into a Loli-fest while watching at 2AM. Time for sleep. We left for Sac Anime at about 10:30AM and arrived at 11AM just in time to get our volunteer badges. We were judging the cosplay contest today. We wandered around Sac Anime, which was basically an auditorium set up as a dealer's room. The number of dealers was larger than I expected. Lolita Kisama was there and I scored a Kawaii Lolita grab bag. Sadly, no headband. Tom saw about thirty things he wanted there. There was a great selection of airsofts present. There was also a panel room, a live programming room, and a gaming room. Sac Anime was a very small con, but according to Sue (aka B Sapphire), the attendance was greater than expected. At one point, Tom and I had to fill more grab bags. Most restaurants were within driving distance. Bart Boy guided us around to the nearest Subway. Before leaving for Subway, Rico and Bart Boy decided to go WRRRYY and kick each other's ass for a couple of minutes. Tom left his camera equipment outside, but didn't know it until we heard a crunching sound. While we backed out of the parking lot, he ran over his equipment twice. This killed the tripod. So, en route to Subway, we had to go find a replacement. When we got back, several of us cosplayers had a picnic on the grassy area. Diana set up towels for those of us wearing white. Masquerade judging was at 3PM. Take a look at the hall cosplayers of Saturday morning! Pictures are copyright by Victoria Erica. If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. If you want me to remove something, kindly email me. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font Gregor Miller's Friends Font. |