*Many thanks to Brocas of California Cosplay Times for the title image.

I really was never expecting to go to Sac Anime. I first heard about Sac Anime on cosplay.com in Juy 2005. Too soon for Anime Expo, I thought. Tom dreaded a four hour road trip. Yet, we were glad we made it for January 2007. Traveling Valentine had a first this time around - judging the cosplay contest. To make a long story short, I can see why ICG (International Costumers Guild) guidelines should be used. Thank you to all the cosplay contest participants for entering. Without you, there is no show.

Many thanks to the photographers who came out to cover this event - Old Man Mike, Brocas, and Bart Boy. Flipping through your photogalleries brought back the good times. Once I got home in Los Angeles, your collection of memories only reminds me of how much I miss my Northern California friends.

Thanks to our friends for the good times. Thanks to Tara and Sai for their hospitality.

I'm very happy that Traveling Valentine has been given many great offers that we can't refuse. SiliCon is on the 2007 radar. Many thanks to Brent for making that possible. So for you San Jose / bay area fan people, please come out to SiliCon! We have a ballroom dance!

I am glad that Sac Anime is growing. Word has it that the event will be moved to the Red Lion Inn of Sacramento. According to what I have heard from Bart Boy and Raider3, the space is amazing and well suited for Sac Anime's growth. Sac Anime is a very relaxed convention. It may be small, but the dealer's room sure is not. The variety of vendors proved that there was something for everyone. Keep the variety going. The price is definately affordable. For January 2007, the price of entrance was $15 for the weekend and $10 for a day. Please support Sue in her great endeavor!

Of course thanks to Tom for being a great partner. Thanks to him for getting our butts over there without falling asleep behind the wheel...wait a minute, but thanks! Thanks for the room at the Red Lion. Oh and thanks to his parents for letting me stay over for the weekend. I had to add that in there because if I didn't, he'd chomp me, but now that I think about it, he'd chomp me either way.

Pictures are copyright by Victoria Erica. If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. If you want me to remove something, kindly email me. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font Gregor Miller's Friends Font.