I love San Diego, it is one of the few places that I feel instantly comfortable upon arrival.
Any excuse to go to San Diego is a good excuse for me and Anime Conji was one of the
best excuses I have had in a while. I really like the area around the convention. It has a
good feel to it and it is not all that hard to get to. Overall the convention was fun and the
location is beautiful. As this was a second year for Anime Conji, it is not without reason
that there would be some problems.

The hotel is beautiful and features many great locations for photo shoots. Also the room
space for panels was adequate, but if the convention continues to grow then more space
will be needed. While the location was grand, it was not easy for most people to find
their way around at first. Many people had difficulty finding events on the upper floors.
If a better map was included and better signs were posted around the event then that
would not be such an issue next year. Hallway crowding was also an issue and it looked
like con staff and security were trying to keep the halls flowing during Sunday. This is
a problem not easily solved and may become a bigger issue as the convention expands.
However, at least the con staff tried to keep things moving.

Most small cons have very little in terms of programming. However, Anime Conji had
a very good line up from fan panels to discussions to the ever popular Dragonball Roast.
Overall the programming did not disappoint, even though it was sometimes difficult to
find a seat. The most popular panels had very crowded rooms. While the staff cannot fully predict which panels will be standing room only, the popularity of topics should be
a consideration when designing the layout of next year’s event.

There were several main events going on at Anime Conji, a nice step up from most small
cons. There appeared to be more than enough seating for Masquerade and Anime Last
Comic Standing and the outdoor stage had plenty of room for everyone. While there was
room on the pavilion level for everyone the dance looked deserted every time I checked
and many people complained that they could not find the pavilion level to enjoy the late
night events. Some people were not happy with the masquerade as getting on the stage
was a bit awkward, the house lights were always on, and some people had concerns about
stage size. Most of these are technical things that can be dealt with easily given enough
time for setup and design. Also of note, the Lolita Tea Party ran out of tea. As this is
the alternative to the Maid Café, it should have been better stocked for those who would
prefer a relaxing tea time to a fetish themed snack shop. Most of the issues with event
programming can be solved with pre-planning and schedule adjustments.

The artist alley and dealer hall were connected and both were of the expected size and
quality of an event like this. While there were limited options for shopping they still
allowed us and others to find a few treats. The dealer hall was set up nicely with enough
room for people to maneuver. It might be nice to see a larger dealer hall next year, but
spacing must be considered and a crowded dealer hall is frustrating. In addition to the
artist alley and dealer hall there was the swap meet. It was not too hard to find on the
upper floor and it had enough room for venders and shoppers. The swap meet allows for
a different variety of goods to be sold and should remain part of Anime Conji.

Overall there is a nice relaxed vibe to the convention. There is also plenty to do and
much fun to be had. Anime Conji has a great nightlife, but it can be difficult to enjoy due
to the size of the resort. It is easy to understand why Anime Conji has grown so much
between the first and second year and with some improvement it could become one of the
most popular Southern California anime conventions. While some did make comparisons
to Ani-Magic’s early years, those people should also note that unlike Ani-Magic there
is so much more to do at Anime Conji. I am looking forward to next year’s event and I
hope Anime Conji keeps growing and improving.

Despite some personal issues with some people, this event was very fun for me. I love
going back to San Diego, I love hanging out with friends from the area, and I like small
cons with things to do. I would like to thank the Anime Conji staff for having me as
press, I would like to thank Austin Wright for allowing me to join his panel, I would also
like to thank the masquerade staff you did a great job, thank you to Paula and Todd you
guys saved me and my sanity, and finally I would like to thank the San Diego crew it was
great to see everyone again. If you have any comments or questions you should avoid
e-mailing me at Jared (at) scarlet-rhapsody.com. Until next time give my love to San

The List
1. San Diego from the Spanish word meaning a whale’s vagina
2. RE: 1 – Like I’m the only person who has seen Anchorman
3. How much Mexican food did I eat?
4. The first live show
5. I already miss San Diego
6. Babysitting duty, sigh…
7. Yo ho fiddly-dee…
8. Does anyone sleep at this convention?
9. I hit the power switch and lost everything…
10. Fun times had by all
11. Pizza!
12. Note to self: Find a new note taking method
13. No comment
14. I want to go to La La Land
15. Weather, please make a choice and stick with it
16. So many old friends that I got to see again
17. I have not entered a game tournament in far too long
18. My next cosplay? Toth, I already have the sonic scream.
19. This is not the end, only the beginning!

Pictures are copyright by Scarlet Rhapsody. If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font AddJazz. Many thanks to Dreamhost, Adobe Bridge, Picasa, Dreamweaver 8, and Photodraw for making this site possible.