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It’s end of July and that means once again, it’s time for San Diego Comic-Con. With ridiculous amount of booths and numerous panels, SDCC has been a con to be for update on upcoming movies, animations, video games, and everything else. This year, me and Deb attended SDCC with Jules, Cate, Ramses, Sarah and Matt. So, how did this year’s Comic-Con turned out? Step forth and find out. Day 1: WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB!! Me and Deb left Torrance around 7 and got to San Diego Best Western around 9:30. After Jules and Cate arrived, things went south quickly. It turned out that the parking policy for Best Western was ’One car per room’ and that forced me and Deb to find parking space in frantic manner. We did find parking space after 3 hours, but it was 4-5 blocks away from Best Western, which means we missed all the epic stuff, such as counter-protest against West Borough Baptist Church. Still, we met up with Ramses and ventured around the exhibition hall. By the way, it’s worth mentioning that at the entrance of Gaslamp Quarter, there is an area where Scott Pilgrim promotion went on. It seems that they set up the booth above the stair leading to a club(?) where they can view clips from Scott Pilgrim. It felt like it was same as last year, with the exception of few movie studio booths. When we got back to hotel room, I handed Ramses SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Decade he bought from me. After resting a bit, me, Deb, and Matt went out for some photoshooting outside of Gaslamp Quarter. After the photoshoot, me, Deb, Matt, and Cody went to Ralph’s for some cheap con food. It turns out that this Ralphs was open 24/7. Wooooow. Day 2 Wake up, shower, and off to SD Convention Center again. I wanted to get Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler’s autograph, but it seems SDCC implemented new ticketing system. Now, people have to go to limited ticket line and receive their ticket there. In other words, even if the amount of people wanting Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler’s autograph were small, the line was still long due to other people lining up for different people’s autograph ticket (and no, it’s all one line regardless of who you want). So we went around dealer’s hall more and when it was around 2pm, I went to meet up with Matt and Matt to participate in Fairy Tail photoshoot. While I was away for that, Ramses won an awesome arcade stick by beating some guy in Marvel Vs Capcom 3. Kudos to him. After that, I changed into normal clothing and me, Deb, Ramses went to something I’ve been anticipating since it was announced… IRON MAN THE ANIME!!! From Marvel and Madhouse, comes Tony Stark’s adventure into the land of moon language and monsters. At the Iron Man anime panel around 8pm, Marvel and Madhouse not only discussed Iron Man anime, but they also premiered first episode of the anime!! Unfortunately, they banned all sorts of recording devices. But we did share our opinion of the first episode. The panel also showcased new character designs for Wolverine anime and we also shared our feeling about that. Then we ate dinner and went to sleep. Day 3: After more dealer’s hall wandering, we (me, Deb, and Ramses) attended Hasbro panel. In the panel, they announced upcoming Hasbro figures, including Captain America and Thor from each one’s movies. Hasbro also showed upcoming Transformers and more Marvel figures, including a gigantic GALACTUS figure in two different variants. After the panel, we crossed the street to get free Scott Pilgrim stuffs. (NOTE: At the time of typing, I seem to wound up with two Scott Pilgrim T-shirts. To this day, I have not worn either shirts in fear of being branded ‘Hipster’. I also did not use free ringtone offer for same reason) After all the wandering around the dealer’s hall, we then went on to DW for 2 nd annual SPILL SDCC PARTY!! However, Korey was the only one attending SDCC and he arrived a hour and thirty minutes late, due to a certain incident at hall H involving someone stabbing a guy’s eye socket with his pen. Either way, the party went on and we had fun. Korey was even nice to let Ramses sleep in his hotel room so that he can hang out without having to worry about catching the trolley home. By the way, did I mention Tommy Wiseau was right next to me for few seconds? Well, I went to check a message on my phone and this guy came up next to me talking on his cellphone as well. From his atrocious accent, I immediately knew it was Tommy Wiseau. When I turned to look at the guy when he was walking away, black long messy hair and gangly face. Yep, it was him. Boy, this night sure turned out interesting (I think). Day 4: Earlier last night, I asked Korey if I can interview him the next day. He said yes, and me and Ramses met with Korey to ask him about Spill.com and other things. The interview went well and we all had good times being part of it as well. We walked around the dealer’s hall bit more until the closing. Around 6 (I think), Ramses left and we all went back to hotel and dispersed. Thus another San Diego Comic-Con ended. Quotes: ‘Hello ladies. Look at your man. Now back to me.’ ‘I was THIS close to punching you’ ‘You guys want to watch Queen’s Blade with me?’ ‘Nothing, nothing, HULA GIRLS’ ‘Oh, daburu!’ ‘Now back to him, back to me again’ ‘Man, you’re a life-saver’ ‘Amaterasu?? Fuck yeah!!’ ‘Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang’ ‘Sadly, your man isn’t me.’ ‘So, are you China from Hetalia?’ ‘By the way guys, game over.’ ‘Awesome Death scythe cosplay!’ ‘..Is that fucking Tommy Wiseau?’ ‘Monocle Smile’ ‘Nothing says convention like watching Law & Order SVU’ ‘(thinking) HOLY FUCKING SHIT ON A GOLDEN CHARIOT!!’ ‘I feel like a dirty hipster now.’ ‘Jewel-encrusted scepter’ ‘He probably thought you looked like Ruby Rhod’ ‘Put ya guns on!’ ‘Deodorant…’ ‘Goddamnit, it sucks being broke!’ ‘Hey kids, want to watch Queen’s Blade?’ ‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOH YEEEAAAAAH~~!!’ ‘BUILDING KICK! EXPLOSIIIIIIIOOOONNNN!!!’ Pictures are copyright by Scarlet Rhapsody . If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font Adventure. Many thanks to Dreamhost, Dreamweaver, Picasa, and Photodraw for making this site possible. |