"Hi terrorist bitch!"

"Archer! Get me out of this dress!"


"How about this? You hold my hair back and I'll hold your hair back."

"Is this the whore yourself out area?"

"Nice Enchantress!"

"Do the AX mascots even have a name?"

"Go Red Sox!"

"Wicked! We scored!"

"Did you park your car in Harvard?"

"I WILL go Boston on you...South Boston!"

"Do they say wicked and outstanding all the time?"

"I wish I was in Boston."

"Are you singing the meow mix theme?"

"Tell Vic you're an Athiest and you'll piss him off."
"No, tell Vic that Voyager is better than TOS and you'll piss him off."

"Vice Ganda does cosplay boxing!"
"Make that an Anime Expo event!"

"Mom taught me how to cut bangs two days ago. It's half an hour before masquerade call time. I can do this!"

"Sailor Moon is a moron..."
"No she's not! Bring it!"

"He touched me..."
"...in a special place."

"Remember when you hooked up an Xbox in the bathroom?"

"I'm proposing to Amanda."
"You're proposing to a man?"

"I'm emotionless like Data from Star Trek. DON'T TELL ANYONE I SAID THAT!"

"Look for the yellow P...wait..."

"That's not cosplay. THIS is cosplay."

"Be Beyonce. Be fierce in photoshoots. That needs to be a panel."

"Is this a self esteem panel?"

"Comic Book Girl...caution tape man...want to see you after the panel!"
"It's okay when it's in a threeway."

"The Gaara Monologues!"

"If anyone ants to ask me anything after the panel..."
"Well, Marc DiChocobo is available Friday night..."

"Lindo is like a five year old in the candy store."

"Justin Bieber and Charice?!"

"This panelist looks like Justin Bieber."

"Why do all anime boys look like Justin Bieber?"

"I go to Aztec pyramids."
"Ooh, fuck you Arnold!"

"Sailor Mars is so beautiful..."

"Oh hai Marc."

"Bat credit card."

"Wicked costumes."

"Get off my lawn."

"Fuckin' Ramona."

"He's white and I'm clearly Asian."

"You're American Homosexual."


"No one wants to talk to you 'cause you're silent."

"How do you know?"
"Me and the crew used to do her."

"Boyz II Men is playing at the Staples!"
*whole staff bus fangirls*

"G talks in a girl voice."
"That's why I made him a dress."

"Stop laughing. She was burned!"

"Show what your pain looks like!"

"Stop talking to me, trying to run a panel!"

"I like your foxhound shirt!"

"Some people sweat with thier mouth. Those people are called dogs."

"doesn't she look like she's been in a nasty fight?"
"Stupid River Song..."

"Is he dating Marc or Jeff?"

"That's an awesome Kuzco, but can't tell if boy or girl."

"Off to hijack Danny Choo's ride - GTA style."

"War stories panel right here!"

"Aww...Panty took our chair."

"They'll ask me awkward questions like What is AX? I tell them it's Armani Exchange Expo."

"I'm going to the PI. No, I'm not Filipino."

"Go to Miss Thor."
"Or it could be Valkyrie, nitwit."

"It's Asian, she can handle it."

"Are you sucking or swallowing it?"

"It's dinner!"

"Where you people from?"
"He's got north and south!"

"When your ass starts burning, let me know."

"But you swallowed!"

"People at AX know hat vanilla and non-vanilla mean?!"

"Think about Lucky Star and how much they're gonna rip your soul."

"Behold! The grave of Tupac Shakur!"

"It's called low self-esteem."

"He's cosplaying as the secret boyfriend."

"I know The iDolm@ster second mix..."


"I worked on this while watching I Spit On Your Grave and Daria."

"I hate AX. It takes place during the summer."

"We shall call her A Lumpia!"

"Nearly got in a fight with security..."
"Just like Todd."

"And there's a con in Japan about pee."
"What's the dealers hall like? Bed Bath and Beyond?"

"There's other New England people in masquerade?!"

"Are you doing the eyes on me dance?"

"I only have room for one bossy Jew girl in my life."

"My ex is here."
"He's here?!"
"No, Patrick Seitz."



"Okay, who wants Curry House?"

Pictures are copyright by Scarlet Rhapsody . If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font Arizona Airlines. Many thanks to Dream Host, Adobe Bridge, MS Photodraw, Picasa, and Dreamweaver for making this site design possible.