many conventions Anime Expo has early programming even on day one. I
got ready and left the comfort of Orange County to make my way into
downtown Los Angeles to go to the biggest anime convention in the country.
I arrived about 8:30AM and made my way up to the third level in order
to find the press registration area. When I came to the booth it was
already open even though the official opening time was nine. I was able
to quickly get my badge, but they were missing lanyards and program
guides. I had to trek downstairs to the assistance booth to get everything
I was missing. Although this was inconvenient I had no complaints as
I was able to get my badge earlier than I expected.
I wandered the convention hall a bit as I had some time before anything
started. While wandering I ran into Matt and Ryan (California
Conventions Blog) and I decided to hang with them for a
bit. We wandered around outside and ended up getting lost and stumbling
into another event. As no one quite knew what they wanted to do I decided
to make my way back into the convention center for the Gundam

The Gundam panel was run by fans of the series that showed
off the trailer for the Gundam 00 movie and talked about the
new mecha featured in the movie. They also went over new manga and models
that were coming out. Finally the panel concluded with questions by
the audience and trivia for prizes. I did get in line to ask if anyone
else hated Kamille Bidan from Zeta Gundam, but I did not get
my chance before the panel ended.

After the panel it was time for the Fruits Basket gathering.
I decided that I would wear Hatori Sohma because I rarely get to wear
Fruits Basket cosplay. The gathering was small with only five
people (including myself) but we had a nice shoot under the trees. The
wind was a pain and I regretted not bringing extra gel if my hair got
out of place. Still we had fun and I got to show off Hatori once again

As the gathering ended I returned to the convention center to wander
a bit before lunch. I ended up eating lunch while hanging out with a
couple friends in the hallway between south lobby and west lobby. We
hung out for a bit, but I wanted to hit the dealer hall so I slowly
made my way there while chatting and taking photos.

I began my exploration of the dealer hall with a sense of déjà
vu. The first booth I entered was the Natsume
booth, a booth I had visited during my time at E3. After reminiscing
with a Natsume
staff member I began my tour of the hall. I ran into Yaya
Han and chatted with her a bit. I took at look at several
booths, but did not see anything too interesting. I had to cut my trip
short in order to get to the Yuu Asakawa panel at 2:30PM.

I got to the panel room just in time to see the line going inside. I
joined the line and found myself in a less than great seat. The panel
was fun and the audience asked a couple interesting questions, including
one about the voice work she has done for games like Ever 17 and
Ai Shimai (aka Immoral Sisters). All she would say
is that she did not do adult work using her name. The only questions
that annoyed me were the questions by attendees that were asked in Japanese.
Although some may have been native speakers, most were clearly Americans.
Yuu Asakawa had great English and it made me wonder how a Japanese guest
could have better English than the American attendees.

the panel I returned to the dealer hall to wrap up what was left. I
found a nice Genshiken figure and saw a few other figures I
thought about picking up. As soon as I heard it was closing time I went
to the Funimation
booth to meet up with my buddy Miguel who was working that day. We headed
out together and went to the Wilshire Grand to hang out with some of
our other friends.
Miguel and I went to Point Moorea at the hotel and enjoyed some happy
hour specials as we talked about our adventure.

Before I knew it Victoria entered the bar and joined us, now that her
class was over. We talked a bit more then went around the hotel taking
pictures to end the day.
was cosplaying as Soletta Orihime from Sakura Taisen. This
is her first time wearing Soletta in a while.
then I finally got pictures of myself as Hatori from Fruits Basket.
are copyright by Scarlet
Rhapsody . If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site
or cosplay gallery. While you're here, do sign
the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font Bambino.
Many thanks to Chaz Boston Baden
for the image resizing and watermarking program. |