Hey everyone! Check out my Mercedes in the picture above. Another year has passed. I have been attending Anime Expo for a while now. This would be my sixth time attending the con. What can I say? This year's Anime Expo was truly remarkable. Sure, every convention has their own faults, but doesn't mean I have to let other people's mistakes in my way of killing the con. It's been a belief of mine that you get what you pay for. It's what you make of it and how you deal with situations to avoid all this cosplay / convention drama. I can definately say that this year's Anime Expo had little to no drama whatsoever. I cannot remember a time at the con where drama got in the way of things. It was truly nice seeing friends from both sides of California and the coast. Living in Northern Cali has allowed me to make more conenctions with bay area folks. It was definately spiffy seeing you all again. I wished I could have had more time to hang out with some of you more during the weekend, but I understand people's schedules and priorities during a con as huge as Anime Expo. I will not comment about the masquerade fiasco since I have not been there to see what had happened. Though I do know that some friends were screwed over, my sympathies go to them. I did send my thoughts and constructive criticism as an audience member. So should you! Of course, this con wouldn't be as wonderful without Tom. We celebrated our one year anniversary on July 4th. We became official last year under the fireworks, and reliving that first kiss as Traveling Valentine. After AX04, Tom and I visisted his relatives in Arcadia. It was wonderful seeing his cousins and other family members again. Hopefully, both our families will be able to spend Christmas Day together. (After all, I did spend Christmas Day with him last year. ^.~) This has been a relationship that I cannot find even the words to describe. Words won't do any justice to describe the way our lives are with each other. But I can say this. You know things are perfect when you're still kissing under the moonlight though there's a guy dressed up like a sadist serial killer rapist from some twisted Japanese movie, and the head of an anime distro company and friends is going on a drunken adventure, all of this happening no less than a yard away, but those things don't matter to you, only the one who's making your face turn red does. At least our age pothole isn't as drastic as Billy Joel's and Katie Lee's. Hope to see you all at the next convention. My livejournal is "soletta" if you're interested in adding me. Just drop me an email if you plan to add me, and we can exchange AIM and other contact from there. Thanks for the memories. It's you guys that make these con memories special. And here's a video that sums it all up!
Pictures are copyright by Victoria Erica (Scarlet Rhapsody). If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. If you want me to remove something, kindly email me. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This report was brought to you by the font Starry Sky. |