"Mamma Mia!" ~ in reaction to the reg line Thursday morning, and hence the title of the con report "Fuck cosplay!" ~ Sora's response to the harships of getting into costume "Is there anything wrong with loving cosplay and hating going to cons?" ~ Sora "Subaru-kun! No, I am not from the Matrix" ~ Seishirou cosplayer "Palm trees!" ~ Sora, the midwesterner "So you used to live in the midwest too..." "I know how old you are!" "I'd be happy if the plane crashed" ~Sora after the flight from hell "Yo yo yo something something Tambien" ~Albert in response to Sora's flight from hell "California is way expensive!" "POP!" "It's soda." "I'm on the hunt!" ~Nando searching for scavanger hunt stuff "Yeah....I think I post there..." "Autographed pocky!" "Pantsu!" "Nan de yo ne?!" "This is going to be a weird family" "THIS is the problem with this country" ~Jarod as Kitano "At the beginning of the century Mike Tatsugawa intiated the BR Act" ~Jarod as Kitano "Beautiful woman, will you bear my child?" "How is that biologically possible?" ~impregnation and yuri love "Vicky broke again" ~Sora and Jenna "I'm going to do homework" ~Sora "Those were the best days of my life!" "Like oh my god! It's the Anaheim Convention Center!" ~while watching the trailer to the new Nicholas Cage movie "blah blah blah the future is undecided blah blah blah" "Are we watching X?" ~during certain parts of the T3 movie "It would be funny if he walked into a gay bar...whoops...spoke too soon" "A tram hit me...I actually hit the tram" "I want out of this family" "Should I tape the ofuda at the Christian con?" "You should read the bible" ~ Christian old lady "Have you found Jesus yet?" "He's with the Hellsing folks" "Are you a Christian?" "No, I'm an omnyouji" "We actually won something?" ~Tom's Inuyasha group "There can only be on Miroku" "If you want to be Miroku...go ahead" "We won fan service" "Miroku isn't supposed to smoke!" "Seeing Miroku smoke sets bad examples" "And watching him swindle and grope isn't?" "It came with a free battery charger" "What kind of drunk am I?" "I look like a slut" "Skirt is too short missy! Have a violation!" "Chbi things that kill!" "Once again, we defied AX security" "Mana is going to jump in the pool." "Pool or masquerade? Animagic has the two of those together" "Where are your costumes?! That's it! You're crossplaying!" "Hurry! Make it look like I slept with a girl last nite!" "Cosplay as Mamoru!" "Guu ate it" "So what does Galaxia do in her spare time?" "Jyao" "Where is fansview?" "TX has to be related to Vash" "We're the real X-men!" "Happy CLAMPers?" "Fanboys are scary" "Why am I touching the dog's ass?" "I'll glomp the first cosplayer I see" "We're not dating..." "These glasses that their share of abuse" "Boob raider" "SEISHIROU!" "The movie is like X. EVERYTHING DIES!" "How about a picture of the dating couple?" "We're not dating yet" "You will after you buy our stuff with your picture on it" "Who the hell is Gokuro-san?" "No smoking." "Okay" ~ Tom and his prop cigs. He extinguised it by impressing it on his hand. "They're imports." "Can
I borrow a blank cd?" "I'd pay to see that...in fact I think I did" "I just had the shower from hell" "Atsui...samui...atsui...samui" "You have lipstick on you" "Damn fangirls" *blush* "Do
you remember how to work the shower?" "What flavor crack is your brother smoking and can I have some" "Dog crap again" "*sniffle*" " What was the other one...I think I can have two shots of the perfume...not that was not the other...oy being misquoted." "She's gone nuts" "Poke..." "Oh! Oh! The one with Sakura...the one family related thing...put that into a quote." "Oh? What is that?" "I'm not talking anymore." "*slurp*" "Shit" "*uncomfortable silence*" "well you scratched me first" "huh...ok" "smooch."x2 "You
are my AX memory..." |