Typically, Anime Expo falls on the Fourth of July weekend. It was announced earlier this year that there was going to be another dance - the AX Ballroom Dance. In preparation for this, I rented Shall We Dance and brushed up some of my ballroom moves. Funny thing...in high school, no one ever asked me out to a formal. After graduation, I've been asked out plenty a time.

So Tom and I headed to the cosplay.com gathering - the last 15 seconds of it. Tried to get red dress Karen to perfection. We ran into friends after the gathering, including the Karen fangirl. After the madness, we ran into Sora and will. They just had dinner, so we met up with Jarod and company. They were planning a Denny's gathering. Yet, it would take a while...so Tom and I ate at the restaurant in the hotel.

We headed towards the Marriot. There were other X characters at the dance. We spotted a Subaru and Seishirou slow dancing. We stayed for several songs. The playlist was wonderful. This has to be the best dance I attended at a con since AniMagic 2000. We got not only anime music, but some 1940s swing! XD We wanted to catch the fireworks, so we went to the ACC to cathch the remainding fireworks from Disneyland. Velvy and company directed us towards in that direction. Truly lovely...

We headed back to the dance where they were playing "Forever Love." The dance had pretty much died, so after that Tom and I left. We ran into Nando who was doing a scavanger hunt thing. Since we played the rest of the night by ear, we went back to the Coastal for my Clover manga. We arrived back to the ACC when Nando and company were getting prizes. Wah! -_-; Sorry we were late!

Afterwards, we hung out with Ziggy and Moo at the Hilton...and even moreso at the cosplay.com table. It was getting late and Victoria was feeling sleepy. Goodnight!