Traveling Valentine had already seen the PLC concert on the previous night. So, while everyone was lining up for the concert, we just chilled in the lobby with friends from Anime FX (like Marc and Crystal!). Marc was really happy to get Takeshi Mori's autograph being that he's a Vandread fanboy. Not much else except for the concert was happening. We chilled with Al for a bit. Then we wandered around the con. We ran into Ashley , Aoshi, and LIONEL?! Yes, Lionel wanted to do some "researching" about what people do at conventions. He thought if would be interesting field research. Then we also thought it would be funny if Ashley and Aoshi would also switch off clothes. When Aoshi came back, he was cosplaying as Lionel. For the most part, all of us just wandered around the con ending up taking funky pictures of each other. And for you TeniPuri people (aka - PoTheads), here are some of Traveling Valentine's TeniPuri Western-ness. Then Tom and I stopped by the PLC concert. It was just as spiffy as last night's. Saturday had a larger crowd. At about 11:30PM, Traveling Valentine drove back to the SFSU dorms and called it a night. Pictures are copyright by Victoria Erica. If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. If you want me to remove something, kindly email me. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font I forgot. |