Saturday morning was our huge shopping day. Since we won't be doing Sunday, it was our chance to get our hands on great big stuff. We cosplayed as Nadeshiko and Touya from Card Captor Sakura. True, Yuko Minaguchi (Sailor Saturn, Nadeshiko, and Hinoto voice actress) was a guest of honor. If we run into her, we run into her. I was disappointed we didn't, but it's not the end of the world.

We went into the Dealers Room and got our hands on what we wanted. We also got Doug Smith's autograph on Tom's Golden Boy DVDs.

Victoria's List Tom's List
Rangiku plushie (for Tiffany)
Zodiac Rat charm (for Jen)
Dejiko cell phone mascot (for Mom)
MSD day dress (for Eponine)
Riza cell phone mascot
Roy cell phone mascot (for Tom)

Card Captor Sakura cell phone mascot (for Will)
Division 5 keychain

GioGio Figurine
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure DVD Vol. 1
A mousepad from Doug Smith
Lupin the 3rd couch figure
Fujiko Mine Vacuum Bank
Fujiko Mirror Figure

Prop Knives
Gas Blowback CZ75 (He wished)

We started watching AMV Hell 3 at the Youma Con booth. Afterwards, Tom and I ran into Sana and Richii. Gotta represent the West Side!

There was a doll panel at 1PM. Tom and I brought Eponine (CP Nara) over to the panel. The nice thing was there was a ton of swag - from Haute Doll magazines and mousepads. No one left empty handed. The highlight of the panel was the doll cosplay contest. I was about to do the doll cosplay contest, but didn't have time to make Eponine something. The winners included a Tortoro, Vincent Valentine, Roy Mustang, and a Katamari. No contest, the Katamari won the grand prize - a Bambicrony Sweet Lullabye tiny! Congrats!

Pictures are copyright by Victoria Erica. If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. If you want me to remove something, kindly email me. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font Ren and Stimpy.