After dinner, I changed into Karen Kasumi. Kristy was wearing Kotori. So the two of us decided to have a mini X photoshoot. John volunteered to take a few duo pictures of us at the fountain.

Afterwards, I ran into Rosiel from, and a few other people from the forums. I realized that the meet the guests reception was going on, so decided to check that out. The one guest I wanted to meet was Maya Okamoto, Orihime's seiyuu. We had a nice conversation about her interests and career. A memorable moment from the conversation was her trying to guess who I'm cosplaying as. She thought I was a bride, but I told her I was Karen Kasumi, a whore. Her translator explained, but Maya-chan, in the cutest of all voices replyed, "but you're too pretty to be a whore!" Then I met Yoko Ishida and took a picture and Sugar promo item. ^^

Afterwards, I ran into Adella of fame. Then Albert was setting up a table. Ran into this spiffy snuff film episode Seras Victoria. Then after, I went to the dance. The dance was pretty decent. I found the usual company. I was happy they played DDR and anime theme song remixes. Who would ever think one could yatta to the Sailor Stars theme? The dance was great until Bruce Falconer sampled his music. According to one of the girls, it was the "Clear the Floor Mix." On the way back to the room, we ran into our favorite paralist - Kat! *^^*

After the dance was party in room 2640. Whee! Kate and I decided to make a fandub of Azumanga clips. We went crazy with the casting. The way it was done was I asked if anyone wanted to be in a fandub. I have the cast list on my schedule planner somwhere...Selecting clips was another thing. Then I remembered it takes hella long to render clips and load them on via Windows Movie Maker. Like most fandubs, this was shot down. ;_; I met Estevan - really cool down to earth kinda guy. Ziggy went into our room to join the partay. For some reason, there was this guy who apologized about something that happened on Thursday. *really clueless about it* ^_^;;;

Afterwards, I went to sleep as the boys talked of blacks in anime, the visual kei folks watched this one Pierrot Le Fou video, and all that jazz.