Happy Easter! Cosplayers were handing out candy to people and finding ways to unwind on the very last day. For our convention music video, it was easier to get people involved to randomly dance in front of the camera. Anime Boston is a con full of wonderful people that love to celebrate fandom and being an otaku. Even though Sunday is the very last day of a truly epic con, there was still much to do and check out. Eri Kagami cosplayed as Erica Fontaine from Sakura Taisen and Jared cosplayed as Serpico from Berserk.


KanColle: Weapons Behind the Women by Jared
This panel was more focused on the history of the different ships the fleet girls are styled from and the types of weapons they carried. It was an interesting look at the history of the Japanese Navy and the strengths and weaknesses of their weapons. It was interesting to learn about the different classes of ships and how that translates to the look of the girls. The topic was so large that it seemed like a longer panel was needed, but they did well with the time they had. If the history behind Kantai Collection interest you then panels like this a chance.


Cosplay Chess by Eri Kagami
In addition to the many cosplay games at Anime Boston, Cosplay Chess is one of the more covetted events to get into. I actually did submit Minmay from Macross in hopes I could use my singing abilities to defeat my opponents, but sadly, was denied. However, I decided to go check out this main event on Sunday. I like how each cosplay chess has a set up. This year, it was Treize (Gundam Wing) versus Bernkastel (Umineko). One side controlled over emotional teenagers with attitudes and the other controlled various monsters from anime and video games. The chess board was set. Each piece was given recognition and an cheering ovation upon entering the chess board. Treize and Bernkastel called the shots and each piece made their move. Like Cosplay Death Match, it was all cosplayers doing mock battle on stage. Though the rules of Anime Boston Cosplay Chess were questioned by the audience, it was still cool to see the specatacle up close for the first time. Cosplay Chess is a nice way to entertain yourself on a Sunday before doing one final mad dash into the dealers hall.


Sit Down, STFU and Play this RPG by Jared
If you are a fan of JRPG games then this is one of the best panels you can attend as it bring up over twenty different games in the genre both good and bad. From Star Ocean to Lunar the panel covers a variety of different games. This year there was a major focus on classics from the PSone and early PS2 era, especially games that can be picked up via digital stores such as Digimon and Suikoden. It was a great way to find a new series to jump into when you need a new RPG fix.


Metal Gear Panel by Jared
This was a fun panel that not only looked over the whole Metal Gear series, including the non-cannon games like Snake’s Revenge and Metal Gear Acid. The panel also looked at how dark the backstories of different characters are and how that is balanced against the odd humor that Kohima loved putting into the games. It was a fun panel and it was nice to hear that others felt that Metal Gear Solid 2 was an underrated game and better than part three.


Cosplay Services by Eri Kagami
I discovered the cosplay photobooth and repair room an hour before closing ceremonies. Though my costumes were perfectly fine through the weekend. I needed a quick hot glue fix on my Erica Fontaine cosplay. The repair room was found on the first floor of the Hynes. They had a variety of supplies needed to fix up a cosplay SNAFU - sewing machines, hot glue, bobby pins, and other various odds and ends to rescue your costume. Photographs and selfies were discouraged as it may impede cosplayer's consent. Right next door to the repair room was the photobooth. The photobooth had simple backdrops and you could have your photo taken by official Anime Boston photographers. The photos would go live on the website about 2-3 weeks after the con.


Pokespiracy by Jared
This panel looked at the weird parts of Pokemon that have come from information provided by the PokeDex and in game that bring up interesting questions. The audience was brought in to give their theories and to comment on the theories of the hosts. It was a really interesting panel that brought up odd things like the possibility of humans being part Pokemon and the possibility that the world is post-apocalyptic from an atomic war. Yet, no matter how much they covered there were still plenty of questions that could still be covered. It was a fun panel and it wasn’t too shocking that the room was nearly filled at the end of the convention.


Closing Ceremonies by Eri Kagami
Closing ceremonies is always a bittersweet end to an awesome weekend. Each of the guests said their farewells. The Anime Boston board of directors were honored and thanked for a year well done. We also got to see reprises of the safety videos for this year's Anime Boston; it was also themed to Kaiju vs. Mecha and had paper puppets of Anime Boston attendees. We also got to see the music video of the con wherein B-kun fights giant lobsters while piloting a giant robot into the Boston harbor set to the opening theme to "Attack on Titan." Like most main events, closing ceremonies filled the auditorium to capacity - no one wanted to leave right away. However, we were able to find out the theme to Anime Boston 2016. Jared was betting on a space theme and I was betting on a swords and samurai theme. Both of us did not call it this time around. Anime Boston 2016 will be a "Field Day" theme. I can already imagine the legions of fujoshi.

Anime Boston 2015: Kaiju vs. Mecha was an excellent event. Like any year, we always feel we could do and see more, but there's only two of us and one whole big convention. There's always something to do at Anime Boston - you're always on the go and on the move. Thank you Anime Boston for another exciting year and we look forwad to 2016.

Pictures are copyright by Scarlet Rhapsody . If I took your picture, feel free to use it on your site or cosplay gallery. While you're here, do sign the guestbook. This site was brought to you by the font SeasideResortNF. Many thanks to Dream Host, Adobe Bridge, MS Photodraw, Picasa, and Dreamweaver for making this site design possible.