In Summer 2009, several friends from Scarlet Rhapsody decided to revive the "Cosette & Eponine" video story series. The series would be rebotted and stay true to the original characters that Victoria conceptualized. The stories would consist of a new writing team (Jared and Victoria) and a new voice cast. The dolls would go on more adventures as little dolls in a big world.
The series is written by Jared and Victoria. Victoria writes the stories and Jared writes the dialogue. Victoria takes care of photos, editing, and audio mixing. The series also features the voice talents of Victoria, Julia, and Jared of Scarlet Rhapsody.
These video stories are regularly posted on Den of Angels.
Click on the links to watch the video story on YouTube. Don't forget to subscribe to "rhapsodyinscarlet" for the latest updates!
"Making Smores"
Marshmallow, Chocolate, and Graham are introduced. |
"Three Wishes"
When Cosette finds a magical lamp, what will she wish? |
In addition to video stories, we also do musical episodes. All songs belong to their respective owners and copyrights.
"What about the original 'Cosette & Eponine?' What happened to that?"
For more information, visit the "Cosette & Eponine" Archive.
Toys in the Attic is copyrighted by Scarlet Rhapsody.
I am not selling these dolls. For more information about resin kids, please
visit Den of Angels. Do not
take any of these images without my permission. If you have any questions,
please contact me at erica @ Site is hosted by Dreamhost.
This site was made with Dreamweaver and Microsoft Photodraw. |