I used this balloon dress tutorial. The style of dress is also known as a bubble dress. I was quite disappointed that there were not many vintage couture looking dresses for resin dolls. One day, I was just looking through Cherished Friends and I really loved looking at the new breed of fashion dolls. Why can't my ABJDs look this awesome? I know visual kei, goth, and lolita styles are popular among the ABJD community, but I'm an old school doll collector that grew up with Barbie, Gene, and Candi. I had to pattern draft the whole thing. It took some trial and error to get it right. I read the tutorial and applied it to doll settings. This is my first attempt at this type of dress. 

The only thing I would change is to have the skirt be at the waist. I ended up making the skirt shorter than it needed to be (whoops). However, the design still works fine on the doll. 

The other challenge was to figure out the darts and the pattern for the bodice since I wanted the shoulder straps to fall a little bit on the shoulder. 

The doll featured in this gallery is Eva (Custom House Cebee).

Toys in the Attic is copyrighted by Scarlet Rhapsody. I am not selling these dolls. For more information about resin kids, please visit Den of Angels. Do not take any of these images without my permission. If you have any questions, please contact me at erica @ scarlet-rhapsody.com. Site is hosted by Dreamhost. This site was made with Dreamweaver and Microsoft Photodraw.