PAX East 2013 took place on Match 22 - 24, 2013 in Boston, MA. PAX East is the sibling convention to PAX Prime in Seattle. The PAX events have a heavy focus on gaming of all sorts - video, table top, pen and paper, etc. However, the biggest draw is the electronic gaming. Big name companies exhibit the latest games and show off games that will be released later in the year. Gaming fans flock to PAX to get the latest news and to be among the first to test and try out new games before anyone else. Other than the exhibit hall, there are tournaments, game rooms that showcase different types of gaming (ie: console, pc, retro consoles, etc), discussion panels, and late night parties.

While have covered E3 in the past, this was our first PAX. Only Scarlet was able to attend this event. In this PAX report, you will the the casual (and lady) gamer perspective of this event. Prior to PAX, several friends were asking if this was casual gamer friendly. This explores the sights and sounds of PAX. Michael Jackson's "Dangerous" album was chosen for theme because Scarlet has an affinity for rhythmn and dance games. You can listen to our Zero Hour coverage on PAX East here.

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