First came Yuki Dandy Con, then followed by a flight to Fanime, afterwards was the half an hour commute to Anime Expo, and finally the summer has come to this - Dearest V Con. This week with one of my closest friends was truly one of the best weekends I ever had...or perhaps the best weekend I've ever spent. Ballroom Dancing, Pirates of the Carribbean, Para Para Paradise, HK movies, and to top it off with cosplay...what more can one ask?

During Anime Expo and Fanime we were posed with the question, "So...are you two going out?" At the time we weren't. Yeah we were a couple...a couple of cosplayers. We did not officially get together until after Anime Expo (July 7, 2003to be exact). Those who mistaken us for a couple even thought we would be great together. Thank you Jarod for playing cupid. ^^

Strange enough, Tom was delayed when he went to his aunt's home. He spent another day with me, and then left for Milpitas. We knew we would see each other at JTAF - on the other side of the state. I would be in Santa Rosa, and he would be in San Jose. However, I was in for a surprise when he visited the day after I came back to Northern Cali. Though it caught my parents off gaurd (they were still there to help move things in), the time we spent was worthwhile.

I'm truly fortunate to have found someone like Tom. The memories we share, the times when we dress up as our favorite anime characters, trying to get the right ballroom and para para moves, our love for sharp pointy objects and things that go boom, etc...I truly feel that I've found someone I could possibly grow old with.

Thank you for a memorable summer, Tom. I love you. *kissu*

In Wine Country In front of Victoria's student apt.