The seventh annual Anime Vegas took place on September 4-6, 2010 in fabulous Las Vegas. The convention moved from the Cashman Center to the Alexis Park Resort which was across the street from the Hard Rock Cafe and the famous Las Vegas strip. The anime convention brought many voice actor guests of honor, particularly from the Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood English dub: Vic Mignogna, Maxey Whitehead, and Wendy Powell. In addition, we also had guests from the early Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series: Jason David Frank, Johnny Yong Bosch, and Jason Narvy. While this was Anime Vegas' first year at the Alexis Park Resort, there were ups and downs. This year, Scarlet Rhapsody and CaliConBlog teamed up to cover Anime Vegas. The theme is inspired by the hit movie, The Hangover and con sars.
This report is dedicated to survivors of post-convention sars.
Zero |
Live Your Life
Checking into Vegas and beating the traffic, oh yeah! Our hotel has a TV in the bathroom? |
Saturday |
What Do You Say?
Meeting the original Green Ranger, dealer's room, and discovering the worst buffet in Vegas. |
Candy Shop
Silver Millenium Ball has princesses from across the universe. Jared goes to war. |
Sunday |
Lots of hot voice actor action! It's time to duel Vic Mignogna with Star Trek trivia. Charity is smexy. |
Right Round
Whatever happens in Anime Vegas, stays on the Internet for a very long time. |
Monday |
What Do Persians Dream Of?
Pokemon cosplay time and panels. Leaving Las Vegas to the zombie fangirls. |
Omake |
Three Best Friends
you say will be misquoted and taken out of context. But say it anyway.
Some quotes intended for (im)mature readers only. |
In the Air Tonight
Guest of Honor Spotlight. We have Cristina Vee, Jonathan Klein, and Eyeshine exclusive interviews. |
Can't Tell Me Nothing
Miku Zatsune live in Vegas! |
Joker and the Thief
Narrowly avoiding the zombie apocalypse. |
Else |
more crazy convention adventures! Part of the Scarlet
Rhapsody Collective. |
Vegas Playlist
Watch the entire Power Rangers and Jason David Frank panels here! |
Maybe the Alexis Park Resort deserves a second chance? Remind me to pack more meds. |

are copyright by
Scarlet Rapsody. If
we took your picture, feel free to use it on your gallery. While you're
here, do sign
the guest book. The site was brought to you by the font CatholicSchoolGirls BB.
Many thanks to Chaz Boston Baden
for the image resizing and watermarking program. |