January 20, 2007 I finally moved to the Los Angeles suburbs. I've met new resin friends like Mary's twins, Anna and Alice. They're born seven minutes apart. The twins and I went to Simi Valley for a private doll party. One of Miss Mary's friends came back from her year long stay in Japan. This was a welcome back party and great doll party. I should have told Fujiko and Lien about it. There were plenty of doll present including Pinky:st and 1/6 dolls. I think Lien would get along with Tara's Angels. There were so many dolls there! We must have took over the fire place. I also met Tara's Nara. I forgot her name, but it was splendid to see someone who looks just like me. The only thing is that she's more of a tomboy. Tara was really sweet. She gave us presents! Victoria-maman and I got a puppy plushie and an issue of Haute Doll. There was so much food!. Mary and Victoria brought two bottles of coke. Then the minis decided to have their own party in the kitchen. We took over that room! Plenty thanks to Tara for having us over! The presents were wonderful. I love dogs! (After all, I'm born year of the dog!) Oh, and thanks to Mary for letting me play with Anna and Alice again (and for getting our resin butts over there)! - Eponine. PS: Enjoy the photos that Victoria took!
This site is copyrighted by Victoria Erica January 2007. Please email her at v@ scarlet-rhapsody.com for more information. Do not take any photos on this site. This site is brought to you by the font, Miss. |