[One Shots] Idolized #2

Idolized #2

Writer- David Schwarz

Artist- Micah Gunnell

Idolized Cover

The second issue of Idolized builds upon the concepts of the first issue making a more fleshed out story with a nice cliffhanger ending.  This time Leslie is facing the trials of the show and trying to work her way into the top ten.  The issue climax starts with a battle against robots and holograms.  While the battle is short it is due to the characters using their powers in creative ways.  It is nice to see super heroes using powers in inventive ways rather than the usual brute force methods.

Idolized talking

The writing in this issue is a nice step up from the previous issue.  In some ways it reminds me of the issue zero writing.  There is more character based moments such as Leslie talking with some of the other guys on the show.  It also has takes time to look at the behind the scenes of the show and how that influences Leslie in training to win.  Finally, the battle and the ending are really well done both showing the reality show side of things, but also in showing the smart way the characters use their powers.

Idolized fighting

Much like the previous issue the artwork is great.  You get to see more of the other contestants, but they are not the focal point.  However, most of the characters do have unique designs and it is easier to accept the parody characters once you know they are in the story.  The training area and the hologram battle look good, but there is not much kinetic action.  It would be nice to see more action, but it would not really fit the pace of the story.

Idolized discussion

When I read issue one I was not very impressed.  Issue zero set a high bar in my mind and the clichés made issue one not live up to my expectations.  However, issue two gives you a good character story mixed with great visuals and an ending that shows the strength of both the artistic and writing talent.  If you tried issue one and were not sold on the series then give issue two a try it may change your mind.  If you are looking for a different take on a super hero story then Idolized might be the comic that fills that need.  This is a story of Leslie’s redemption and this issue has redeemed this series for me, I only hope that all the forth coming issue live up to the standard set by issue zero and two.


Final Verdict:

4 out of 5 – This week I’m voting for Leslie

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